Invited Speakers


 Moshe Vardi (OCT 14)

Katsumi Inoue (OCT 15)

Mats Carlsson (OCT 16)

Markus Hecher (OCT 17)


Tutorial Speakers




Annie Liu (OCT 14)

Neng-Fa Zhou (OCT 16)






Logic Programming and Logical Algorithmics

Moshe Vardi (Rice University)

Abstract: Logic programming, born around 1972, expresses a program as a set of Horn clauses. Computation is then performed by applying logical reasoning to that set of clauses. The approach was eventually described as “Algorithm=Logic+Control”. Another approach to logic and algorithms was developed by Codd in the early 1970s. In his approach, the problem domain is expressed as a relational database, and the problem is expressed as a first-order formula, called “query”. Computation is performed by a meta-algorithm, the query-evaluation algorithm.  In this talk, I will describe this approach, which I call Logical Algorithmics, in detail. I will show how this approach yielded multi-variate computational-complexity theory, which offers a more nuanced approach to complexity analysis. It also enabled the development the model-checking algorithms, which are today used in industrial semiconductor design tools.


Linear Algebraic Approaches to Logic Programming

Katsumi Inoue (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)

Abstract: Integration of symbolic reasoning and machine learning is important for robust AI.  Realization of symbolic reasoning based on algebraic methods is promising to bridge between symbolic reasoning and machine learning, since algebraic data structures have been used in machine learning. To this end, Sakama, Inoue and Sato have defined notable relations between logic programming and linear algebra and have proposed algorithms to compute logic programs numerically using tensors.  This work has been extended in various ways, to compute supported and stable models of normal logic programs, to enhance the efficiency of computation using sparse methods, and to enable abduction for abductive logic programming.  A common principle in this approach is to formulate logical formulas as vectors/matrices/tensors, and linear algebraic operations are applied on these elements for computation of logic programming.  Partial evaluation can be realized in parallel and by self-multiplication, showing the potential for exponential speedup.  Furthermore, the idea to represent logic programs as tensors and matrices and to transform logical reasoning to numeric computation can be the basis of the differentiable methods for learning logic programs.


The Anatomy of the SICStus Finite-Domain Constraint Solver

Mats Carlsson (RISE Research Institutes of Sweden)

Abstract: Constraint programming (CP) is a powerful problem-solving paradigm with roots in combinatorics, linear programming, logic programming, and AI.  A notable development in the 1980s was the fusion of constraint solving with logic programming into constraint logic programming (CLP), which extended Prolog by integrating constraints into its framework. To extend a Prolog system with constraints, a large number of algorithms and data structures must be added for tasks like domain representation, constraint propagation, search, a whole menagerie of filtering algorithms for specific constraints, and peaceful coexistence with the Prolog virtual machine and runtime system.

This talk focuses on the constraint programming support in SICStus Prolog: the key extensions to Prolog that were necessary, details of the solver architecture, and a discussion of design choices.  I will try to put the work in a historical perspective and also say something about programming interfaces, use cases, and my outlook on the future of CP.


How Structure Shapes Logic Programming and Counting-Based Reasoning

Markus Hecher (MIT, USA)

Abstract: When can we efficiently solve combinatorially hard problems? In practice, state-of-the-art solvers can tackle instances with millions of variables, creating a significant gap between empirical performance and theoretical limits. A key factor in bridging this gap is understanding the structural properties of problem instances. In this talk, we explore how to efficiently leverage these structures, with a particular focus on the role of treewidth and the answer set programming framework. We establish tight runtime upper and lower bounds, grounded in reasonable complexity-theoretic assumptions. Special attention is given to counting-based reasoning, a computationally intensive task where structure plays a critical role. Through empirical results, we demonstrate how structural insights can drastically improve the efficiency of counting in combinatorial problem-solving. This emphasizes the importance of theoretical studies and their practical applications, showcasing how we bring theory and practice closer together.





Logic rules and commonsense in uncertain times: A simple unified semantics for reasoning with assurance and agreement

  1. Annie Liu (Stony Brook University, USA)

Abstract: Complex reasoning problems are most clearly and easily specified using logical rules, but require recursive rules with aggregation such as count and sum and more for practical applications.  Unfortunately, the meaning of such rules has been a significant challenge, with many disagreeing semantics, baffling commonsense for rigorous logic.

This tutorial examines a simple unified semantics for reasoning with assurance and agreement, and consists of three main parts:

  1. An introduction to complex reasoning problems expressed using logic rules, with recursion, negation, quantification, and aggregation; the key idea of a simple unified semantics, supporting simple expression of different assumptions; and how it unifies different prior semantics.
  2. An overview of the precise rule language; the formal semantics, called Founded Semantics and Constraint Semantics, or Founded+Constraint Semantics (FCS) for short here, supporting efficient and precise inference over aggregation even with approximation; and the properties of the semantics.
  3. An exploration of a wide range of challenging examples, including the well-known problem of company control and extended win-not-win games. FCS is simple and matches the desired results in all cases.

Additionally, we discuss how to combine logic/rigorous languages and LLMs/ML for problem solving and question answering with assurance, where a simple unified semantics is critical for its generality, power, and ease of use.


Encoding High-Level Constraints into SAT and MIP

Neng-Fa Zhou ( CUNY Brooklyn College and Graduate Center, USA)


Abstract: Picat provides four solver modules, including CP, SAT, MIP, and SMT, for modeling and solving constraint satisfaction and optimization problems (CSPs). This tutorial introduces the inner workings of Picat’s SAT and MIP modules. PicatSAT encodes constraints into SAT based on unary and binary encodings of domain variables. PicatSAT adopts many optimizations from CP systems, language compilers, and hardware design systems for encoding primitive constraints into compact and efficient SAT encodings. PicatSAT also employs some novel algorithms for decomposing global constraints, especially graph constraints. PicatMIP, while generally not as competitive as PicatSAT on MiniZinc and XCSP benchmarks, is a good supplementary solver for CSPs. PicatMIP adopts the well-known big-M method for linearizing nonlinear constraints, and employs some optimizations for translating special nonlinear constraints into linear ones.